In the update the site Chattah had a complete cosmetic overhaul which inclueded:
The changing of the drop down menu, background color, slight change of the black to more of a charcoal and the maroon to more of a red brick
The update continues with the changing of the chatroom to the WORKING services of
The update also comes with a new game! Difficulties inclueding Easy, Medium, Hard, and Impossible
The site is also no longer using Paypal for donations but now Patreon so the user can see what exactly they get when they donate
The Homepage recieved a change and now has the "Picture of the Week"
The "Tutorial" page that used to be an option on the home page has been removed
Original starting Navigation page has indeed been removed
The News was moved off the homepage and got its own tab!
the "contact" and "donate" tabs moved to be a drop down option under the menu selection "Home"
Forum Tab added but not finished